Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe joined Council Member Debi Rose broke ground Thursday, August 26th on the $1.7 million renovations to Mahoney Playground. The Playground is located at Beechwood Avenue, between Cleveland St. and Crescent Ave. on Staten Island.
Thanks to $1.3 million from Mayor Bloomberg this project converts a barren asphalt yard into a multi-use turf field. To meet the recreational demands of our growing population, the Mayor has accelerated the conversion of at least two dozen asphalt multi purpose fields to synthetic turf under PlaNYC. The new turf fields can host a greater range of games, including contact sports, and can better absorb frequent and intensive use. At the same time, by using the most advanced design and technology, the synthetic fields will decrease our overall use of lawn mowers and pollutant pesticides.
An additional $400,000 from Council Member Debi Rose, adds misting stations and drinking fountains, spray showers, new swings and additional basketball courts. The improved sports facilities will also be enhanced with new benches and trees.
The Park is named after Michael J. Mahoney (1897-1918), a Marine from New Brighton, Staten Island, who was killed in World War I. Mahoney served as a private in the 96th Company of the 6th Regiment of the Marine Corps, and fought in five major battles in France.