Los Angeles based NP Fashion is a new online purse destination dedicated to offering beautiful and stylish wholesale handbags. If you are starting your own retail business, their shop is a great place to start building an inventory. NP Fashion offers affordable pricing on bulk purchases. The endless array of bags available includes handbags, clutches, messenger bags, cosmetic bags, and backpacks, to name a few.
Handbag enthusiasts can narrow their search options when shopping online and browse NP Fashions' inventory by type, color, and price. You will find the perfect bag that will compliment any ensemble. The site features an assortment of glitzy wholesale evening bags, embellished with rhinestones and other striking details. For school days, young ladies can choose from an assortment of black or blue denim satchels or various backpack styles. For an off-kilter edge, there are exotic animal-print bags, or customers may opt for a more casual look and purchase an attractive messenger-style bag. Leather bags are always a chic choice, and NP Fashion offers them in a range of colors, plenty adorned with jewels or tassels. For the jet-setting lady, we have an array of gorgeous and durable carry-on luggage pieces, imprinted with timeless emblems such as the fleur de lis or the Union Jack.
NP Fashion bags are individually-priced and do not exceed thirty dollars each. Their luggage line runs slightly higher. This makes our online shop a fantastic wholesale option for retailers, or individuals looking to purchase multiple gifts for friends.
Many sellers of wholesale handbags only offer customers cheap knock-offs. Wholesale bags are often thought of as imitations of the most recognizable designs by, say, Coach or Louis Vuitton. However, NP Fashion does not take part in supplying customers with inauthentic replicas. Their purses are affordable originals which are inspired by designer bags. Each customer can be confident they are investing in unique, high-quality items that will appeal to ladies who look for wholesale bags in Los Angeles and beyond.
NP Fashion also carries an assortment of fashion belts, wallets, and iPad cases. Whether you're looking for something fabulous, functional, or a combination of both, our shop caters to your aesthetic. At NP Fashion, they constantly add to our inventory, mark down older items, and offer discounts to our customers. We are a secure site that you can trust with your payment information.
For more information or to place an order, contact NP Fashion at 213.741.1711, or visit www.npfashion.com to start shopping.