The long-running No Name Comedy / Variety Show brings New York's best established and upcoming authors and storytellers including Colin Dempsey,, Dawn Fraser and Daisy Rosario to Washington Heights on Tuesday, January 7th for a their new monthly series: "No Name @ Word Up Super Storytellers' Edition", at the Word Up Community Bookshop (165th Street & Amsterdam Avenue).
Curated and hosted by author / storyteller Michele Carlo ("FISH OUT OF AGUA: My life on neither side of the (subway) tracks" / Citadel Press) ), all shows will begin at 7:00 pm and will include a "Magic Hat open mic" where audience members can sign up for a chance at four minutes of stage time to tell their story. Admission is FREE, donations welcomed.
All shows-scheduled for the first Tuesday of every month-will include storytelling and literary favorites such as Kambri Crews ("Burn Down The Ground"), Slash Coleman ("The Bohemian Love Diaries"), Leslie Goshko (Huffington Post, Sideshow Goshko) Tommy Pryor (Yorkville-based Blogger / Photographer, "Stoops to Nuts") Brad Lawrence (Solo Performer, The Moth) and others.
Themes and dates for upcoming shows are as follows
Tuesday, Jan. 7 FRESH & CLEAN Stories about new beginnings or starting over. Master Cleanses, quitting vices, new regimes or do-overs.
Tuesday, Feb. 4 HOT OR NOT: Hooking up, standing up, closing time. Oh, no I didn't...or oh, yeeeeah...I did!
Tuesday, Mar. 4 PARA... NORMAL ?: Monsters under the bed, things that go bump in the night, ghosts in the attic and skeletons in the closets.
Tuesday, Apr. 8 STAND BY ME: Times you had to (wo)man up or back down...confrontations you had to walk away from..or that found you.
Carlo, a veteran of NYC's storytelling community, began telling stories with the Moth almost a decade ago. Her writing also appears in Chicken Soup For The Latino Soul, Mr. Beller's Neighborhood and SMITH magazine, among others. Michele was also recently featured in PBS's: "Latino Americans of New York & New Jersey" documentary and on National Public Radio's "Latino USA " broadcast. Word Up Community Bookshop/Libreria Communitaria is located at 2113 Amsterdam Avenue in Washington Heights , Manhattan . Subways: A, C or #1 train to 168th St. (walk down to 165th St , turn left, walk to Amsterdam ). For additional information, go to: or call (347) 688-4456.