All shows-scheduled for the first Tuesday of every month-will include storytelling and literary favorites such as Kambri Crews ("Burn Down The Ground"), Slash Coleman ("The Bohemian Love Diaries"), Leslie Goshko (Huffington Post, Sideshow Goshko) Daisy Rosario (Latino NPR, The Moth) Tommy Pryor (Yorkville-based Blogger / Photographer, "Stoops to Nuts") Brad Lawrence (Solo Performer, The Moth), Dawn J. Fraser (TED-X, The Moth), among others.
Themes and dates for the next six shows are as follows: Tuesday, Dec. 3 The HOLI-DAZE: Tales of X-Messes, Horror-Chanukahs, NO-Thanksgivings and Kracked up-Kwanzaas. Tuesday, Jan. 7 FRESH & CLEAN Stories about new beginnings or starting over. Master Cleanses, quitting vices, new regimes or do-overs. Tuesday, Feb. 4 HOT OR NOT: Hooking up, standing up, closing time. Oh, no I didn't...or oh, yeeeeah...I did! Tuesday, Mar. 4 PARA...NORMAL?: Monsters under the bed, things that go bump in the night, ghosts in the attic and skeletons in the closets. Tuesday, Apr. 8 STAND BY ME: Times you had to (wo)man up or back down...confrontations you had to walk away from..or that found you.
Carlo, a veteran of NYC's storytelling community, began telling stories with the Moth almost a decade ago. Her writing also appears in Chicken Soup For The Latino Soul, Mr. Beller's Neighborhood and SMITH magazine, among others. Michele was also recently featured in PBS's: "Latino Americans of New York & New Jersey" documentary and on National Public Radio's "Latino USA" broadcast. Word Up Community Bookshop/Libreria Communitaria is located at 2113 Amsterdam Avenue in Washington Heights, Manhattan. Subways: A, C or #1 train to 168th St. (walk down to 165th St, turn left, walk to Amsterdam).