The comedy "And Baby Makes Seven" by Paula Vogel is the story of Anna, Ruth and Peter as they await the arrival of their newborn child. First they must rid their crowded apartment of their three imaginary children. Auditions for the clever comedy are Monday and Tuesday, January 11 and 12 at the Newnan Community Theatre Company. Auditions will begin at 7 pm. Actors will be asked to do a cold reading from the script. Those desiring a part may attend either evening to try out for a role. No experience is necessary.
"And Baby Makes Seven" is being directed by Darren Mathews. Show dates are February 26, 27, and 28 and March 5, 6, and 7 in the black box theatre at NCTC. Show times are 8 pm on Friday and Saturday and 2:30 on Sundays. Tickets are $10 for those 13 and up and $5 for those aged 12 and under. NCTC is located at 24 1st Avenue in downtown Newnan. For more information about the theatre and other upcoming shows, visit their website at