Murray Guy presents Utopian Benches, a new project by Francis Cape, on view June 27 through August 2, 2013, with an opening and book launch set for the 27th from 6 to 8 p.m.
Seventeen benches are gathered in the middle of the room. Cape has built these sculptures as a way of thinking-and talking-about communalism as a historic and a contemporary alternative to individualism. This exhibition coincides with the release of Cape's new book, We Sit Together: Utopian Benches From The Shakers To The Separatists Of Zoar, published by Princeton Architectural Press, and will include a program of open discussions following a format established by the Quakers. These gatherings will be focused around a range of topics pertinent to the project, with dates and participants to be announced shortly.Constructed by Cape in his upstate New York studio, the benches at Murray Guy were built using measured drawings that he took from original benches used by nineteenth-century American intentional communities, both secular and religious: most famously the Shakers, but also the Community of True Inspiration in Amana, the Harmony Society, and the Society of Separatists at Zoar. While the originals were built in a variety of local woods and finishes, Cape has remade these benches in poplar, sourced around his studio.Videos