“The Bad Seed” opens on Leap Day and runs one weekend only, inside the Gothic grandeur of downtown's Scottish Rite Cathedral.
Audiences will question everything they know when Betty Rage Productions presents the classic story that's been a novel, play, hit 1956 film and inspired dozens more psychological thrillers. Adapted by Indianapolis theater artist James Capps, and produced and directed by Callie Burk-Hartz, “The Bad Seed” opens on Leap Day and runs one weekend only, inside the Gothic grandeur of downtown's Scottish Rite Cathedral.
Ten-year-old Rhoda Penmark is whip-smart and well behaved. Her parents and neighbors dote on her, but something is amiss. Is she too good to be true? Nothing is as it seems in this smart and chilling tale of nature versus nurture.
Starring Greta Shambarger, Christine Zavakos, Shannon Samson, Lukas Schooler, Austin Hoofkin, Alyce Penry, Tristan Ross, Ronn Johnston, and Jenni White.
Running February 29, March 1 & 2 at 7:30 p.m., and March 2 at 2:00 p.m., and March 3 at 3:00 p.m. at Scottish Rite Cathedral, 650 N Meridian St., Indianapolis
TICKETS: $20, Buy at the door or online at TheBadSeed.eventbrite.com or BettyRageProductions.com.