Modern Drama Troupe of the PLA General Political Department presents the drama 'Mao Zedong's Reverie at Xibaipo' thru March 14, 2010.
Lead Cast: Liu Jin, Guo Da, Wei Ji'an, Zhai Wanchen, Wang Liyun, Sun Tao, etc.
Director: Gong Xiaodong
Venue: Theatre
Dates: Mar. 10-14, 2010?19:30
Price: VIP?400 ?300?200?120?80 RMB
Political genre drama is a new style of drama genres popularized in the beginning of the 20th century in Europe. It generally refers to those dramas which serve politics and publicize and arouse the masses. Later, this genre is called political genre drama with following characteristics: characters directly and openly express their political views and positions without any concealment; the drama directly portrays leaders and performs their individual thinking instead of describing their daily life too much; the drama sets up many characters and scenes with frequent time and space conversion which can be freely moved across; there can be no central event, but the drama is structured by political needs or leaders' stream of consciousness instead; and, the drama is integrated by a variety of artistic forms like music, film, dance and poetry.
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