Marina del Rey resident and fashion designer Joanna Kinsman has launched her online swimwear store, consisting of a signature collection of lingerie-inspired bikinis. Having just moved to Los Angeles in March, she's been keeping quite busy between learning her way around and working with the company's manufacturer in the Fashion District.
The virtual doors to the shop opened September 1st, marking the first time the line has been available to the public for purchase.
"I found myself working on deadlines for fashion shows and photo shoots without looking at the big picture, which was making bikinis that were ready to sell. Moving to LA helped me refocus and allowed me to work one-on-one with a team of experienced sewers and pattern makers," Kinsman explains.
Joanna Kinsman relocated from her home state of Maine, where she showcased sample pieces at several events in Boston, as well as the Miss Maine USA pageant this past fall. The designer had lived in California once before, in San Diego, where she first began drawing the bikinis and wondering how she would ever bring them to life. It was a job that took her back to Maine, an opportunity that allowed her to fund the production of the recently released collection.
Miss Kinsman SWIM is a perfect blend of sophistication and design, bringing together close attention to detail, sleek Brazilian cut bottoms, and an array of flattering silhouettes and flirty ruffles and lace.
The 27 year old describes her experience as, "It takes a lot of time and effort to source the perfect materials, manage social media, maintain the website, and participate in shows and shoots, but at the end of the day, knowing Miss Kinsman SWIM is open for business makes it completely worth all that's been invested. "
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