Revolution Row, Edward Miller's new play about civil rights and government oppression, will premiere at The Sande Shurin Theatre (311 West 43rd Street, between 8th and 9th Ave., 6th floor) on August 18th to run through September 11th.
Directed by Aaron Daniel Haber, Revolution Row is "a fictional tale set ten years into the future in a federal prison. Republican extremists have maintained control of Congress and the Presidency and have enacted most of their agenda; Abortions are now illegal, prayer is taught in the schools and flag-burning is forbidden. When a ragtag bunch of idealists who have refused to pay their taxes in protest of civil rights meet as inmates, their quest for equality and justice is at stake. Leading the cause is Reginald Mason, a gay man in his 20s who has had enough. The civil rights crusade they pursue while incarcerated is nearly derailed by forces they cannot foresee nor control.Revolution Row inspires us with its scenes of courage in the face of violent opposition, as Reginald and his followers stand up against the brutal prison system and society's discrimination," state the show's production notes.
Miller's musical, What A Difference A Year Makes, was presented as part of the Naked Angels Reading Series and his play, The Retreat, was featured at the Brecht Forum in Manhattan, NY. He is the author of the non-fiction book Matters Most Questionable (Ardent Press Publications). The show's performance schedule is Thursdays-Saturdays at 8 PM and Sundays at 2 PM and 8 PM. Tickets, which are $29 and $22 for students and seniors, can be ordered by calling (212) 868-4444 or visiting