Producer John Chatteron's Sweet 16th Year is underway with a new installment of the widely popular Short Play Lab Series. More than a dozen works by seasoned pros and gifted newcomers alike will premiere at Roy Arias Studios this fall. Visit for TICKETS.
SHORT PLAY LAB: SEPTEMBER 2014 PERFORMANCE: Program A: Tonight, September 20 at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, September 21 at 4:00 p.m. Program B: Saturday, September 20 at 9:00 p.m. and Sunday, September 21 at 2:00 p.m. Roy Arias Studios, 300 W. 43rd St., New York CityProgram A: Sat. Sept. 20, 7 pm and Sun. Sept. 21, 4 pm.
A Difference in Taste by John Ladd, directed by Eric Leeb; starring Eric Leeb & Holly Kay Benedict. After spending years together - and then years apart - two former lovers meet for a "curiosity dinner engagement" where they find a "world" that they still share, but also a "secret" that was never revealed.
The Data Bank by Doug DuBrin, directed by Christopher Staley;starring Anne Dufault & Giancarlo Osaben. In a post-mortem interview, a pitifully unrefined man discovers that his clumsy use of English while on earth may have determined his eternal placement.
Van Helsing: The Final Chapter Continues! by Dianna Stark & Michael K. White, directed by Monica Velasquez Hoyt; starring Marcus Guy & Michael Cuevas. An exciting coming attraction for an all-new Broadway Show!
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme by Marsha Lee Sheiness, directed by Cailin Heffernon; starring Molly Powers Gallagher & Leah Voysey. What happens when smart outwits greedy?
Ping by Mary Jane Walsh, directed by Arnold Buchiane; starring Terri Sturtevant. Ever wonder about people who wander the city and sleep in cardboard boxes - what brought them here? Who were they? Does anybody love them?
The Role by AJ Ciccotelli, directed by AJ Ciccotelli; starring Eric Stalowski, Nick Falzone, Laura DeSantis-Ollson, Ryan Ward, & Dennis Gribben. A hilarious comedy about an actor who lies, in order to receive the role of a lifetime in a documentary-about his relationship with his partner.
Heavenly Things by Liza Pross, directed by Jordan Dann; starring Keith Elijah Fasciani, Amina Henry, Aaron Mathias, Arsenia Reilly-Collins, & Jake Roa. Everyone's got an itch to scratch and a place they feel safe.
Regular man, and The Death Ray by Arthur W. French III, directed by Arthur W. French III; Starring (?). A Regular Guy and his everyday dealings with being a Superhero.
Learning a Foreign Language by Paula Phelan, directed by Shannon Tierney; starring Paula Phelan & Shannon Tierney. Would living in a land for 22 years be enough motivation to learn the native language? How about eternity?
Any Minute Now by Carol White, directed by Steven Strickland;starring Shaheed K. Woods& Steven Strickland. Father Bryant, a kind and patient priest, has a conversation with Everett, an optimistic prisoner on death row.
Program B: Sat. Sept. 20, 9 pm and Sun. Sept. 21, 2 pm.
It's You by Arno Austin, directed by Arno Austin; starring Denise Collins & Arno Austin. One of the joys of life is surprises.
Sausages by Griffin Hennelly, directed by Hector Lispenoza; starring Griffin Hennelly. The five-second rule is a rule not to be trusted.
Pocketful of Gold by Amy Drake, directed by Amy Drake; starring Eric Montgomery, Miles E. Drake, Jr. & Sharon Talbot. Sometimes you don't want to go where everybody knows your name.
The Lethe-Wards of Calista by Doug DuBrin, directed by Christopher Staley; starring Anne Dufault & Giancarlo Osaben. Two avid consumers of natural medicine attempt to make a batch of laudanum from unexpectedly delivered opium poppies; in doing so, they traipse into another dimension.
Turbulence by Allie Marotta, directed by Allie Marotta; starring Alli Green, Renee Vito, & Gregory Pepe. Turbulence [tur-byuh-luh ns]: noun. irregular motion of the atmosphere; violent disorder or commotion.
Found and Lost by Hal J Cohen, directed by Hal J Cohen; starring Hal Cohen& Amanda Painter. The last place to go when you really are this lost.
Roarin' Down Thunder Road by Bret Richard Hoskins, directed by Arthur Kriklivy; starring Heather Zoll & Bret R. Hoskins. A young moonshiner arrives on the doorstep of his enemy, seeking to steal away the woman he loves and run away to a fresh, new, and legal start.
Astronaut by Mike Meadors, directed by Brad Frost; starring Brad Frost. A boy of nine is torn between existing in the world of his imagination and the harsh reality of his true existence.
Leaving Amelia by Carol White, directed by Steven Strickland; starring Caroline Palmour, Eboney Rouse, & Steven Strickland. Mason wants to divorce his rich wife so he can be free to marry super-wealthy and pregnant girlfriend, Ginger. What could go wrong in "Leaving Amelia?"