Breaking Up, written by Michael Cristofer, is about the emotional challenges of Steve (Juan Garcés) and Alice (Renata Soares) as they try to end their relationship. A relationship that was based in a deep and juvenile love that couldn't support the weight of time and expectations.
Written in cinematographic style, with an abrupt scene sequence, and produced in the intimate setting of an apartment in Harlem, Breaking Up takes us on a journey that will remind everyone the advantages and disadvantages of relationships. The joy and the pain, the guilt and the grudges.
An interesting aspect of the play is the playwright's ability to encapsulate moments that we can all relate to in only 70 minutes, and the actors bring this story alive in a truthful and vulnerable way.
Directed by Kelsey Claire, Breaking up will open this week, running September 27th & 28th, at 410 St Nicholas Ave, Manhattan, NY 10027. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased online: