The term "dead ball era" refers to the era of American baseball when the combination of cavernous ballparks, spongy baseballs, and pitcher-friendly rules resulted in games with few home runs. Strategy was important to the sport at this time, with great value placed on individual runs, stolen bases, sacrifice bunts, and other maneuvers. Beginning today, July 8, the exhibition LEGENDS OF THE DEAD BALL ERA (1900-1919) in the Collection of Jefferson R. Burdick, on view at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, will feature nearly 600 historical trade cards of baseball greats from the time. The exhibition will run until December 1 and will be located in the The Henry R. Luce Center for the Study of American Art, The American Wing, mezzanine.
A highlight of the installation, which is drawn entirely from the Metropolitan's renowned and extensive holdings of such historical trade cards, will be a rare card from the T206 White Border series of Honus Wagner, who was a shortstop for the Pittsburgh Pirates from 1900 to 1917. Other well-known players from the dead ball era whose cards will be shown include such luminaries as Ty Cobb, Tris Speaker, Eddie Collins, and Napoléon Lajoie, who are still among the all-time hit leaders; and the pitchers Walter Johnson and Christy Mathewson, who trail only the indomitable Cy Young in career wins. During the dead ball era, it was not unusual for a single baseball to be used for an entire game-sometimes until it unraveled. Because the path of a scuffed or damaged ball was unpredictable and a dirty ball was hard to see, it became increasingly difficult to catch or hit a ball as a game progressed.Videos