Ties-Necktie.com, a San Francisco based niche retailer for men's neckties, published a series of articles focusing on the 8 best-dressed creative men of all time.
“We spend a lot of time looking at the fashion of both classic and modern celebrities,” says Ties-Necktie.com founder Hendrik Pohl. “People have an intrinsic fascination of those who are part of the celebrity sphere, and the style and fashion these individuals bring to the table often trickles down through the fashion industry to the general public. We wanted to highlight a handful of the most creative men of all time who also either are or were known to exhibit excellent fashion sense.”
Each article in the series highlights a specific individual who has made a significant contribute to the creative community throughout history. Oscar Wilde is highlighted, for example, for his ability to pull of remarkably unique patterns and fabrics with ease, while Kanye West is given credit for the clean, “high-end luxury” look he embodies today. A section called “Takeaways for the Modern Man” closes each piece, featuring advice as to how readers can incorporate elements of each man’s look into their own style.
“Takeaways for the Modern Man” has been popping up in a lot of the pieces we publish, and for good reason,” says Pohl. “Our readers tend to be quite fashion-forward, and are always looking for ways to push their style in a new direction. We’re trying to prove that you don’t have to be a celebrity to dress like one; anyone can take cues from the fashion sense these people embody, and improve their overall look in the process.”
Ties-Necktie.com publishes regular article series focusing on the fashion of politicians and celebrities, as well as pieces on the history of men’s fashion and modern trends. This is the first time that the website has focused solely on artistic and creative men through time, however.
“We try to keep our series’ as fresh and unique as possible, and there’s no better way to do that than to focus on the art of creativity and the style it has brought to the industry,” says Pohl. “These men are responsible for the music, visual art and even clothing that many of us could not live without, and deserve to be celebrated both for their accomplishments and overall sense of style.”
For more information, visit http://www.ties-necktie.com/blog/wrapper.php?/archives/586-The-Eight-Best-Dressed-Creative-Men-of-All-Time.html