Musical theatre lovers who like their leading characters emotionally aloof and commitment-phobic can now enjoy a worthy companion piece to the upcoming revival of Company. Mary Poppins has flown into town in a ravishing production that kicks all that sentimental nonsense about familial closeness into the wings and pushes the heartwarming thrills of good ol' fashioned music hall song and dance fun downstage center. Don't go expecting to see a stage version of the movie, but by all means do go.
Yes, 99.999999… percent of the world's population loves the 1964 Walt Disney classic film Mary Poppins but, rather famously, one person who didn't like it at all was the author of the series of books the flick was based on, P.L. Travers, who was said to be both furious and in tears at the Hollywood premiere. Despite having exercised script approval she nevertheless objected to the final cut's use of animation, the sentimentality, character interpretations and pages full of other changes to her original stories. So when obtaining the stage rights to the books in 1993, producer Cameron Mackintosh, who is billed as co-creator, had to convince Travers that his Mary Poppins, which is still running after two years in London and has now just opened on Broadway, would feature a British nanny more in line with what she had penned; a rather magical spinster who, though devoted to her charges, is nevertheless emotionally remote, self-centered, demanding and a bit of a bully when necessary.
Photos by Joan Marcus: Top: Ashley Brown
Second: Gavin Lee and Company
Third: Alexander Scheitinger and Ashley Brown
Bottom: Ashley Brown, Katherine Leigh Doherty, Alexander Scheitinger and Gavin Lee