"The Marcy & Zina Show" returns to Birdland (315 West 44 Street, NYC) on March 26 at 7pm . The evening is a continuation of the Broadway at Birdland concert series, which features top performers and theater composers at the legendary music room. The season is presented by Jim Caruso's Cast Party in association with TheaterMania.com.
Award-winning songwriters Marcy Heisler and Zina Goldrich will return to Birdland for the fifth time on March 26th, with an evening celebrating their songbook, including material from the upcoming Broadway musical, Ever After. The performance will take place at 7pm, and include special musical guests Jonathan Rayson (Adrift in Macao), Jill Abramovitz (Martin Short: Fame Becomes Me), Marya Grandy (Les Miserables), and cabaret singer Scott Coulter. Instrumentalists will include Michael Croiter on drums, Christopher Sung on guitar, Matt Scharfglass on bass, and Peter Sachon on cello. There will be a $25 cover and $10 food/drink minimum.
Each Monday night concert is followed by Jim Caruso's Cast Party, an open mic for the Broadway and jazz communities. A full dinner menu is available until 1am.
Visit www.InstantSeats.com/Birdland for tickets.