With the new release of LANDMARC, tenor saxophonist Marc Mommaas will be performing at the Cornelia Street Cafe (29 Cornelia Street) with his long time collaborator Tony Moreno on drums including Nate Radley and Vic Juris on Guitars Wednesday, May 26 at 8:30 PM. Landmarc does not include bass and the charts specifically written for this setting have no written-in bass function. Cover is $10. More information www.mommaas.com.
Mommaas' serpentine sax inventions - aided by the bluesy, spacey and swinging plectral prowess of Juris, Abbasi and Radley, and buoyed by Moreno's lickety-split drumming - intricately delivers a devilishly delightful nine-track CD that does indeed translate a virtual Rosetta Stone of rhythms, harmonies and melodies into real life stories.....The cinematic syncopations on Landmarc are the product of Marc Mommaas' grand and inclusive musical vision.....Now Marc Mommaas finds himself at the zenith of his musical powers with Landmarc, a recording that best exemplifies the kind of "tradition in transition" artistry that modern jazz is all about. -Eugene Holley, Sunnyside (2010)
Also tonight at the Cornelia Cafe the Spoken Word series with Perfect Sense hosted by Alissa Heyman and Hila Ratzabi. Cover is $7.
CORNELIA STREET CAFÉ 29 Cornelia Street, NYC, New York 212-989-9319Videos