Baritone Jeff Morrissey performs an eclectic Christmas program inspired by the elegant paintings found in the South Chapel of St. Bartholomew's Church.
In 1919 Ethel Parsons Paullin and her husband Telford created the beautiful Adoration of the Magi and the 13 medallions surrounding it depicting subjects connected with the nativity of Christ. Morrissey, whose voice The New York Times calls "a ringing baritone and first rate," will lead a musical tour of the artwork performing Spirituals, Polish carols, ballads from Morrissey's own Southern Appalachian Mountains arranged by John Jacob Niles as well as works by Rodrigo and Burgon.
Tickets at $25 with a $15 for students and senior citizens may be purchased at the concert office at 325 Park Ave. between the hours of 9 am and 6 pm or by calling (212) 378-0248 or online at
The Great Music Series, presented by the Mid-Manhattan Performing Arts Foundation, Inc., (MMPAF) offers a diverse variety of concerts from large scale choral works and organ concerts in the church to chamber music and jazz in the acoustically remarkable chapel. Crucial to the musical programming of the series is St. Bartholomew's Choir, a fully professional choir, and the Boy and Girl Choristers, renowned as one of the finest children's choir in the metropolitan area. The church also possesses an Aeolian/Skinner pipe organ of 168 stops, the largest in New York City and considered to be one of the greatest examples of the American Classic Organ of the 20th century.
The concert will take place on Friday, December 21 at 7:30 pm in The Chapel of St. Bartholomew's Church, 325 Park Ave at 51st Street (Midtown Manhattan). NEAREST SUBWAY: #6 to 51st Street and Lexington or E Train to 53rd and Lexington. Contact the Concert Office by calling 212-378-0248. Ticket prices $35, $25 ($25, $15 for Seniors and Students).