Directed by Phillip George (Forbidden Broadway) and choreographed by Richard J Hinds, Missed Connections: A Craigslist Musical is a musical based on real Craigslist Ads - "Your Personal Ads Set To Music" written by Canadian Humorist Bill Richardson, Indie Folk Artist Veda Hille and Amiel Gladstone.
"A few years ago, with not much more than fun in mind, we hauled some Craigslist ads free of their moorings. Veda Hille set them to music. With Amiel Gladstone, she put together a cast of Vancouver singing actors and performed the show as a 20-minute musical. It was meant to end there. What we didn't count on was that, even in that hurried first go-around, we would find the evidence of so much tenderness, folly, and longing. There was more there than we suspected or knew. It was funny, but it was compelling. So, we kept on working, adding, subtracting, rearranging, as one does."- Bill Richardson
The show was developed as Do You Want What I Have Got? A Craigslist Cantata and premiered at the Arts Club Theatre (Vancouver, BC, 2012). Craigslist was originally produced in a 20 minute version by Theatre Replacement as a co-commission with PuSh and Theatre Conspiracy (Vancouver, BC, 2009). It has since had productions in Toronto, ON, Calgary, AB, and Edmonton, AB