MBnb presents a reading and book launch by New York-based writer Lara Konrad. Mother, We All Have Been Lonely and Lovely Places, her first book of prose, serves as a personal history narrating an arc of female independence through a patriarchal landscape. The book, by turns, works through accepted notions of gender, power relations, intimacy, and maturity in search of new territories to inhabit and a means for dealing with human loneliness and despair.
MBnb is located at 520 West 143 Street between Amsterdam Avenue and Broadway and can be reached via the A,B,C,D and 1 subway trains to 145 Street. The gallery is located on the parlor floor of a Harlem brownstone and is only accessible by stairs. If you have an access request, contact member@broodthaers.us or call +1 718 916 7938 to make arrangements. map
MBnb is an ongoing artwork in honor of the great Belgian artist Marcel Broodthaers. It was conceived, in part, to explore what it might mean to "sell something and succeed in life" in what is euphemistically referred to as the sharing economy, fifty years after Broodthaers uttered those famously doomed, aspirational words.