Marvellous by Matt Minnicino, directed by Elizabeth Nearing, will have its world premiere at The Theater at the 14th St Y (located at 344 E 14th St) as a part of the NYC International Fringe Festival this summer. There are five performances on Friday 8/8 at 7:00 p.m.; Saturday 8/9 at 6:15 p.m.; Tuesday 8/12 at 9:00 p.m.; Thursday 8/14 at 3:45 p.m.; Friday 8/15 at 4:00p.m. Tickets are $18, available through the FringeNYC website (
"I was drawn to this play because it is hilarious, bold, literary, and wildly theatrical," Nearing said. "This is a story for storytellers, for artists, for anybody with a dream bigger than the box they think they live in."
"Elizabeth and I feel such passion about the importance of telling stories," said Minnicino. ""The concept for Marvellous was born from a desire to create intelligent, enlivening theatre for all audiences. Marvellous is just a humble attempt to invigorate the young imagination. -- a self-aware story about storytelling, poking holes in traditional narrative to take a good, long look at the way we hear and tell tales." Marvellous tells the story of Verbatim, an orphan left on the steps of an ancient abbey in equally ancient Ireland. Put to work writing other people's stories, he develops an insatiable, unquenchable taste for the imaginary, the heroic, and the fantastic, though his own life has never been anything more than boring. Then, one day, Verbatim's humdrum life is turned upside down. When a ship in the air sailing through the sky gets its anchor stuck in the abbey walls, Verbatim climbs up into a new adventure that forces him to bravely undertake his own fantastic journey.Videos