The Tank presents Many Mansions: a miracle in two acts, by Brooke McEldowney; Directed by Nicola McEldowney from October 23-October 26, 2014.
A young atheist, Cecily Gosling, is summoned to deliver an enigmatic telegram to an equally mysterious location. She accepts the challenge and boards the subway at 42nd Street - a ride that leads her to religious ecstasy in a waiting room, love with a priest on the Night's Plutonian Shore, and the resuscitation of God with a teardrop.
MANY MANSIONS is a stage play by internationally syndicated cartoonist Brooke McEldowney, known for his cartoons Pibgorn and 9 Chickweed Lane.
The cast features actors Alan Altschuler, Philip Cruise, Bethany Geraghty, Michael McKim, John Lampe, Nate Steinwachs, Alli Urbanik, and Bill Weeden; with lighting and sound by Edward Miller, stage management by Charlie Kanev, and direction by Nicola McEldowney.
The production runs2 hours and 20 minutes, including a 10-minute intermission.
TICKETS: $18; $15 student or industry;