"Magic/Bird," based on the rivalry and ultimate friendship of Magic Johnson and Larry Bird, will feature iconic photos of the Hall of Famers taken by legendary sports photographer Andrew D. Bernstein.
The show, opening April 11, 2012 at the Longacre Theatre on Broadway, will include Bernstein's photos, which can be viewed at http://www.magicbirdbroadway.com and on the marquee at the theater, located at 220 West 48th Street.
Bernstein will attend the play opening.
"This play is the first time my work will be featured on Broadway and it's a true honor," says Bernstein. "Having witnessed first-hand the evolution of Magic and Larry's relationship, I think this play will bring to light details of one of the NBA's greatest stories of friendship."
Bernstein, who has over 30 years of sports photography experience, documented the Hall of Famers throughout their rise to NBA superstardom, as opponents, and as they ultimately became friends.