Magical Women is a fascinating documentary series about an elusive, exclusive profession filled with secrets, pitfalls and intrigue.
Why would someone choose a career as a magician? Could you imagine the journeys of the rare women who have chosen this obscure profession, many of whom originated from dance and theatre?
What made them change directions; to restart and what is their future? Magical Women is a fascinating documentary series about an elusive, exclusive profession filled with secrets, pitfalls and intrigue.
Don't miss this rare opportunity to glimpse into their unique magical world to learn, without a crystal ball, the secrets to their successes.
Join us to celebrate Magical Women's one year anniversary. For the first time EVER, there is a credible source for fabulous, females, past and present:
The project started with star-maker, Connie Boyd and her vision to fill a void to document & source Magical Women globally.
The Magical Women project is dedicated to honoring women in under-represented careers.
As a trained dancer and an experienced illusionist, mentor, coach, producer and director herself, the subject was a topic Connie understood well and could easily relate to.
Magical Women's unique journeys demonstrate positivity through the power of determination, commitment and creativity with a magical dusting of glamour on top.