For generations Miraclesuit has been a favorite of fashion aficionados and shapewear devotees. Miraclesuit raises the bar in designer and luxury swimwear, shapewear, and control apparel, promising to make you "look 10 lbs. lighter in 10 seconds". Miraclesuit's goal and founding principal to make every woman feel great in what they wear makes them a top American corporation time and time again.
Born out of a 75 year old family owned company, Miraclesuit became the first ever ladies fashion control swimwear brand to hit the market and change the way women thought about swimwear. "The miracle happens when a woman goes in to the dressing room and puts on one of our garments, because she can actually see and feel the difference," says Miraclesuit President Jay Feigenbaum.
Retailers consistently rank Miraclesuit as their #1 resource. Celebrity stylists, fashion editors and TV producers view Miraclesuit as a "must have" for their fashion features.
In the 2012 season, Miraclesuit was featured in most top national magazines including InStye, Health, Glamour, Good Housekeeping, Redbook, Women's Health and featured on Good Morning America, The Today Show, Wendy Williams, and Dr. Oz to name a few. Miraclesuit especially won the attention the editors at Oprah when Oprah Winfrey selected Miraclebody Jeans as one of her Favorite Things in 2010 and again in this past October on ABCs Good Morning America.
Miraclesuit is building upon this brand loyalty and incredible following by expanding past their luxury swimwear line. They have added Magicsuit, a more contemporary line, Miraclebody Jeans, a sleek apparel line offering comfort and control for every day, Miraclesuit Shapewear, fabulous foundation garments and most recently a designer collection with Dancing With The Star's costume designer Randall Christensen.
Miraclesuit is the first ever luxury swimwear collection that promises to make you look 10 lbs. lighter in 10 seconds. Miraclesuit swimwear and The Miraclesuit family brands can be found in most specialty and better department stores as well as select online sites. For more information visit The Miraclesuit website or connect with them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.