"No Name... & A Bag O' Chips" Comedy / Variety presents two shows this month at Otto's in Manhattan. On Friday, April 12th the show will feature performers Liz Miele (Comedy Central's "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart"), Bruce Cherry (VH1's "My Coolest Years") and Miguel Dalmau (Hoboken Comedy Festival) The festivities continue on Friday, April 19th with Luke Thayer(MTV.com) and illusionist Lee Alan Barrett. Both shows - which start at 7:00PM - will feature "No Name" house band The Summer Replacements" including Carl (BabyFreak) Fortunato, Pat (Dangerous Monk) O'Shea and Fernando (Dr. Sandman) Morales Gonzalez.
For more info, call (212) 228-2240 or go to: www.ottosshrunkenhead.com/Performers subject to change, for more "No Name," info, contact (347) 885-3466 / NoNameNYC@hotmail.com.