Lincoln Center Education, the education cornerstone of Lincoln Center and a global leader in arts education and advocacy, launches Next Stage, a new candid discussion series with high-profile artists exploring the role of arts education in their creative and commercial work. The new series, launching this year and continuing on an annual basis, is aimed at early- to mid-career artists in the fields of theater, dance, music and visual arts. The high-profile artists selected to moderate and speak at the events will represent a range of ages and experience levels within their artistic disciplines, focusing on the intersection of an artist's academic and artistic pursuits and how they go hand in hand, creatively, financially and otherwise. Events of the Next Stage discussion will be hosted and presented by Lincoln Center Education, in partnership with other leading New York City arts organizations.
Russell Granet, Executive Director of Lincoln Center Education, said: "Since we launched the new mission of Lincoln Center Education late last year, we have explored new avenues to connect with artists and educators. Beyond our work in schools, community organizations and with teaching artists, we are looking at ways to enrich and educate working artists, to demonstrate the power of the arts in all facets of their work. Our new Next Stage discussion series is specifically focused on budding artists, and providing first-hand, successful examples of how established artists and icons have incorporated arts education, with its challenges and rewards, into a well-rounded career."
The schedule for Lincoln Center Education's Next Stage events is as follows:Videos