Lin Zhaohua Drama Studio will present an adaptation of Anton Chekhov's classic, 'The Cherry Orchard' at the National Center for the Performing Arts from January 1 to 3. The production is translated from the original Russian by Tong Daoming.
The cast for the production includes lead actress Jiang Wenli, Zhang Yi, and others. Stage design is by Yi Liming.
'The Cherry Orchard' tells the tale of an aristocratic Russian woman, Liubov, who suddenly recalls the Cherry Orchard which witnesses her early life in her home country Russia and decides to return to Russia with her family from Paris where they have been living for the past years. Everyone in the Cherry Orchard still leads a leisure life, whiling away their time freely. The valet of Cherry Orchard is under illusion that she was born into a rich family, while Petya, who acts as a tutor to Liubov's son, still fantasizes himself being a student in college. Liubov is financially embarrassed, but she keeps up an appearance of wealth in front of beggars.
'The Cherry Orchard' will run from January 1 to 3. Performances are at 7:30PM at the National Center for the Performing Arts. The theatre can be reached by Underground: Line 1, Tian'anmen West Station (Exit C) or Buses: No.1 , 4 , 10 , 20 , 37 , 52 , 726 , 728 and 802 to the stop of Tian'anmen West.
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Lin Zhaohua Drama Studio was established in 1989. Free from shackles of old systems, the studio is committed to found China's modern theatre forms and aesthetics and create best modern plays. Since the inception, thanks to its independent identity, the studio has produced a number of avant garde plays, surpassed the boundary among traditional and modern theatres as well as various types of art. The studio also integrates Chinese traditional operas and the art of talking and singing into modern plays, forming the unique feature of international influence.