Lin Zhaohua Drama Studio will stage an adaptation of Henrik Ibsen's drama, 'The Master Builder', at the National Centre for the Performing Arts from January 22-24.
The production team includes: Translator: Zhang Nan; Director: Lin Zhaohua; Stage Designer: Yi Liming; Lighting Designer: Han Jiang. The cast is led by Pu Cunxin and Tao Hong.
As per production notes, "The Master Builder tells a story about a destructive genius-Solness. A mysterious fire dozens of years ago gave Solness an opportunity to become a master architect, and he would like to achieve the pinnacle of his career in his later years. His extraordinary strength and passionate charm attract young ladies so that the aging master expects the power of youth but fears the threat of youth as well when walking on The Edge of moral. Thus, he lives an unhappy life despite of his enviable reputation.
'The Master Builder' runs from January 22-24, 2010 at 7:30PM at the National Center for the Performing Arts. The theatre can be reached by Underground: Line 1, Tian'anmen West Station (Exit C) or Buses: No.1 , 4 , 10 , 20 , 37 , 52 , 726 , 728 and 802 to the stop of Tian'anmen West.
Lin Zhaohua Drama Studio was established in 1989. Free from shackles of old systems, the studio is committed to found China's modern theatre forms and aesthetics and create best modern plays. Since the inception, thanks to its independent identity, the studio has produced a number of avant garde plays, surpassed the boundary among traditional and modern theatres as well as various types of art. The studio also integrates Chinese traditional operas and the art of talking and singing into modern plays, forming the unique feature of international influence.
Major works by Lin Zhaohua Drama Studio include Hamlet, Faust, Chess Man, Three Sisters, Waiting for Godot, Old Tales Retold, Charles the Third and The Cherry Orchard. Based on traditional knowledge on Chinese drama, these works reflect people's plight and their attitude to life, expanding forms of modern drama in China. Its partners include famous playwrights Gao Xingjian and Guo Shixing, Chinese traditional opera writer Xu Ying, scriptwriters Zou Jingzhi and Xu Bin, Chinese top designers Yi Liming and Zeng Li as well as first-class actors and actresses like Pu Cunxin, Song Dandan, He Bing, Xu Fan, Tao Hong and Jiang Wenli.It also commits itself to fostering the young generation of playwrights in China, organizing and participating in international exchanges and inviting famous artists from abroad to hold training and exhibition in China. It has made enormous contribution to facilitate communication among theatres in China and the world.For more information on this production, please visit: