LeatherGiftItems.com announced back-to-school sale on messenger bags for men and women, in a variety of styles. There are leather bags with many organizational features, such as adjustable shoulder straps that adjusts for over the shoulder, or cross-shoulder carriage. Many of the messengers carry laptops and other electronic business tools and media.
Women have always appreciated a leather messenger bag because of the distribution of weight on the shoulders. Now, men are also seeing the benefit of these bags because they facilitate travel in an organized style, and allow for a place for personal belongings that just won’t fit in a pant pocket. There has always been a fascination for these shoulder bags, which were originally used to deliver mail via bicycles. Today, the cross-shoulder, mail bag is considered funky, cool, and necessary accessory.
For the fashion conscious buyer looking for aEuropean shoulder bag, consider a designer vintage leather messenger, such as the Spikes & Sparrow 7452. If one is interested in an Italian travel wallet with shoulder strap, consider the the Scully Leather 37-06 wallet bag, which has many credit card slots and pockets, yet has a sleek wallet width. For a men’s bagchoice, consider the carry-all wrist clutch, by Piel Leather, model 2283. This leather bag has so many pockets, there is literally a place for everything.
Take advantage of the sale while colors and supplies last. LeatherGiftItems.com offers free shipping on products greater than $100, and free monograms, on select brands. If you are hesitant about ordering a man bag on-line, do give the company a call, as they offer a 30-day return policy and five-year, to lifetime manufacturer warranties on most leather goods. The on-line luggage store phone number is 877-494-2548, for any questions, or quotes.