Variety is reporting that filmmaker Lawrence Page has bought and renovated The Actors' Playhouse in downtown New York City. Page will supposedly be using the playhouse as the backdrop and setting for a new reality show about dueling theater troups.
"Auditions for the TV show, to be called "The Actors' Playhouse," are already underway. According to Page, thesp participants will eventually be winnowed down into two teams of five that will write, direct, design, produce and market competing productions that will play in the 165-seat Playhouse Page said he is in talks to find a home for the TV show, but no details or timeline have been nailed down," reports Variety.Page continues to confirm that the playhouse was purchased for $600,000 three months ago and has since gone through a total renovation including a new stage. When he is not using the space for his own projects, it will be rented out to theater companies.Of the reality show, Page has said that the episodes would follow theater companies in their journey to mount productions and the company that draws the greatest crowd would receive a cash prize.Videos