There is a brand new show hitting the Annoyance stage this month, and it's a doozie! "Skinprov" premiers Saturday, January 28th, at 11:30pm and will continue to impress undressed on the fourth Saturday of every month.
"There's a saying in show biz that goes "Short form sells." This simple truism is known across the whole US of A. Now, 'Skinprov;' a long running Annoyance Theatre improv show where performers STRIP down to their scant foundation garments, is coming to NYC where repressive long form improv is the norm. Will this show TAKE OFF? We think yes!
Come Laugh our pants off at the Annoyance Theater on Saturday, January 28th at 11:30pm!
Heather Harrison
Dash Turner
Lyle Pinder
Rome Davis
Becky Cumberland
Lizzy Mazzucchelli
Deanna Arthur
Andrew Benedict
Ian Lockwood
Sophie Zucker
Directed by Frank Angelini
Info at