Larry David's record-breaking hit comedy Fish In the Dark, starring Jason Alexander and directed by Anna D. Shapiro, will extend its limited engagement for an additional two weeks through Saturday, August 1 at the Cort Theatre (138 West 48 Street).
This marks the second and final extension for the production, which began performances on Monday, February 2 with the highest advance sale for any play in Broadway history and which went on to break three Cort Theatre box office house records.
"Thrilling news!" exclaimed Larry David when he was told about the extension. " I've got a good mind to go out and buy some new sneakers."
FISH IN THE DARK also stars Glenne Headly, Rosie Perez, Jayne Houdyshell, and Ben Shenkman, heading a cast of 18. The production has scenic design by Todd Rosenthal, costume design by Ann Roth, lighting design by Brian MacDevitt, sound design by Rob Milburn & Michael Bodeen and original music by David Yazbek.
FISH IN THE DARK is produced by Scott Rudin, Lloyd Braun, Eli Bush, Roger Berlind, William Berlind, Roy Furman, Jon B. Platt, Ruth Hendel, The Shubert Organization, Catherine & Fred Adler, Jay Alix & Una Jackman, Scott Delman, Jean Doumanian, Sonia Friedman, Tulchin Bartner Productions, Heni Koengisberg, Daryl Roth, and True Love Productions. Joey Parnes, Sue Wagner, John Johnson are Executive Producers.
FISH IN THE DARK is performed Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7pm and Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 2pm and 8pm.