Fish In the Dark, the new comedy starring and written by Larry David, the creator and star of HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm and co-creator of Seinfeld, begins previews at Broadway's Cort Theater tonight, February 2nd and open on March 5 for a limited 18-week engagement through Sunday, June 7.
FISH IN THE DARK, to be directed by Anna D. Shapiro, will mark Larry David's Broadway debut and will feature Jayne Houdyshell, Jake Cannavale, Jonny Orsini, Rosie Perez, andJerry Adler.
FISH IN THE DARK, a comedy about a death in the family, will have scenic design by Todd Rosenthal, costume design by Ann Roth, and lighting design by Brian MacDevitt.
Fish In the Dark will be performed Monday through Saturday evenings at 8pm, with matinees Wednesday and Saturday at 2pm. Beginning Tuesday, March 10, Fish In the Dark will be performed Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7pm and Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday evenings at 8pm, with matinees Wednesday and Saturday at 2pm, and Sunday at 3pm.