New Jersey-based Larralley Productions has begun pre-production on the short film Arriving Separately, which shoots in New York City this September.
The latest collaboration between husband and wife team Carlo Fiorletta (pictured at left) and Mara Lesemann imagines what Heaven would be like when former New York City Mayor Fiorello La Guardia welcomes his protege, long-time progressive Congressman Vito Marcantonio. Fiorletta will star as La Guardia and directs Lesemann's script. Simcha Borenstein joins the cast as Marcantonio and Samantha Helmsetter plays God. Alex Dalesky is on board as DP.
Lesemann and Fiorletta previously teamed up on the feature films Detours and Surviving Family, both available on Amazon Prime. Their latest short, Benefits Included, hits film festivals this summer.