Tonight At Cornelia Street Cafe
Thu Mar 04 6:00PM
Robin, Angelo, Poul, and David, hosts
This is a monthly opportunity for artists associated with the cafe--from every genre and every generation, past, present, and future--to gather informally, schmooze, re-invent the world, and hoist a glass of quelque chose (the only kind of chose to hoist). Our glorious curators are present, you can buttonhole them to find out what's cooking, you can introduce yourself to other toilers in the vineyard, invent projects and discover collaborators. All are welcome.
(Lainie Cooke, vocals; Peter Zak, piano; John Miller, bass; Quincy Davis, drums)
No hype or attitude just the pure emotion that only true life experience can endow in an artist. That's what Harlemwood Records recording artist Lainie Cooke brings to each and every performance. Lainie has been singing in New York and LA for two decades, but is best known for her voice-over work on some of your very favorite commercials. She has graced the café with her sophisticated jazz many times and this month she brings music in celebration of March being Women's History Month. She is joined, as always, by some of the most talented musicians in the business and their combined artistry makes more than good music - it makes a good time.
"This lady can sing the Blues. And ballads, and...well just about anything." Jazz Improv Magazine, June 2008
"...her unique brand of steel-lined warm-an enticing style that suggests the musical astuteness of Sheila Jordan blended with the salty panache of Anita O'Day..." Jazz Times, March 2009
Cover $15
29 Cornelia Street, NYC, New York 212-989-9319
between West 4th and Bleecker Sts, Greenwich Village
1 Subway to Sheridan Square; A, C, E, B, D, V, F to West 4th St.