On Tuesday, June 11th at 6 p.m., Women Stage the World, an advocacy project from The League of Professional Theatre Women (LPTW), will bring to life a suffragette inspired parade in which Broadway theatregoers will see over 100 women parading and advocating for equal representation in theatre. Many parading will be wearing costumes in honor of famous women who set the stage: you may recognize the likes of Dorothy Parker, Katharine Cornell, Aphra Behn, Margo Jones, Lady Gregory or Hallie Flanagan, the director of WPA Theatre.
Women Stage the World is designed to educate the public about the role women play in creating theatre, and the gender barriers they face as men continue to outnumber women by 4 to 1 as playwright, director and designer. "Women buy two-thirds of the tickets and represent 65% of the audience," said Deborah Savadge (playwright), one of the co-chairs of the Advocacy Committee. "The irony is that 80% of the time, the storytelling on stage is shaped by men's voices not women's."Videos