Wicks has starred as Elphaba in Wicked, Emma Carew in Jekyll & Hyde, Mary Barrie in Finding Neverland, and Lady in The Cher Show.
Teal Wicks steps into The Batter's Box for Episode 74 of the BREAK A BAT Podcast!
Wicks' career on Broadway now spans more than a decade and has starred as Elphaba in Wicked, Emma Carew in Jekyll & Hyde, Mary Barrie in Finding Neverland, and Lady in The Cher Show.
Wicks joined host Al Malafronte on a cold winter's night for a fun chat that was chock-full of stories and baseball anecdotes. The two discussed anything from favorite showtunes to working with Cher to her time spent with legendary Los Angeles Dodgers announcer, Vin Scully. They also played some Baseball meets Broadway trivia in an all-new (and challenging) edition of The 7th Inning Stretch!
Listen here: