After two magnificent summers in New York City, Robinson Crusoe comes back this June to Central Park for two performances only!" Life on a Desert Island" - an interactive guide to surviving the wilderness - is a one-man show about the development of civilization told through Robinson's adventures. The story addresses eternal questions: how does one overcome silence, loneliness, fear; how does one become a persevering and responsible person?
Robinson will share once again his wisdom that helped him survive in the wilderness all by himself. Together with the audience Robinson discovers how to identify edible plants, how make a shelter, bow and arrow, net, trap, how to plant crops, how to make a boat... Based on Daniel Defoe's 1719 classic story of Robison Crusoe, the play is a timely reminder of how perilous life can be and how resourceful we can become in the face of adversity. This extraordinary play for children gives them the opportunity to experience the excitement of interactive theatre and learn to live in harmony with nature and respect the environment.
The role of Robinson Crusoe will be played by talented musician and artist, Jason Vance.
"Life on a Desert Island" is a production of Theatre-Playground Productions, a successful interNational Theatre Company founded almost a decade ago in Serbia by Biljana Ilic, producer of the play, and director Vojin Paunovic. "Life on a Desert Island" has been adapted from Defoe's popular novel by Ugljesa Sajtinac, one of the most awarded playwrights of the young generation of Serbian artists. Paunovic, also an acclaimed Serbian director, is the author of the unique interactive concept - the set is a playground! Kids are able to re-live the adventures of Robinson or create their own stories on the stage. To learn more about Theatre-Playground Productions and its creative team please visit
No tickets or reservations are needed. Audiences may bring blankets and folding chairs. For show information and schedule, please visit the Theatre-Playground website: or call (646) 964-7007.