A new series will put the works of George Bernard Shaw--as performed by starry casts--in front of theatregoers throughout and past 2006.
Marc Kudisch (See What I Wanna See, Assassins), Malcolm Gets (Amour, A New Brain), Cynthia Harris (Bad Habits, Company), Nancy Anderson (Wonderful Town, Kiss Me, Kate) and George S. Irving (Me and My Girl, The Pirates of Penzance) will star in a reading of Arms and the Man, the first play of the series. Arms and the Man, which satirically explores the concepts of pacifism and heroism, will be performed on January 23rd at The Players Club in Gramercy Park. Other actors who are slated to appear in later shows include Raul Esparza, Michael Cerveris, Veanne Cox and Olympia Dukakis.
The Shaw Project--which aims to encompass all plays (long and short) by the legendary Irish playwright--will be captained by David Staller (Mrs. Warren's Profession at the Irish Rep), who will produce and direct the following currently-scheduled plays: Heartbreak House on March 20th, You Never Can Tell on April 17th, the one-acts Overruled and Augustus Does His Bit on May 8th, Getting Married on June 19th, John Bull's Other Island on July 17th, The Apple Cart on September 18th, Misalliance on October 23rd, Captain Brassbound's Conversion on November 20th and The Philanderer on December 18th. All the readings will be held at 7 PM on Monday, with the exception of the two one-acts (which will be presented at noon).