Kim Kardashian is another victim of Identity Theft. After approaching IDTheft Pros for help, she stated that identity thieves recently acquired her personal information, applied for a high limit credit card online, and immediately put it to use, purchasing thousands of dollars in merchandise at various luxury retailers, including Neiman Marcus and Bloomingdales.
"Someone used my information to open a platinum card and ran up a $20,000 bill," Ms. Kardashian told IDTheft Pros in a brief statement. "It's crazy. They used my name without thinking twice."
With assistance from the Identity Theft Reversal Kit from IDTheft Pros, Ms. Kardashian successfully removed the account with the retailers and cleared her name.
About IDTheft Pros
IDTheft Pros is the leading provider of kits to help victims of identity theft clear their name, restore their credit and get off ChexSystems. For more information, please visit