Student Artwork from the Drawing Connections Program
Teen Art Workshop
SATURDAY, MAY 23 - for ages 13-17
FREE! No experience necessary!
Natalie Frank: The Brothers Grimm
For more information and to make advance reservations for Teen Art Workshops at The Drawing Center, please call 212-219-2166 x205 or emailagood@drawingcenter.org.
Teen Workshops through June:
Natalie Frank: The Brothers Grimm, Saturday, May 23 for ages 13-17
Inci Eviner: Runaway Girls, Saturday, June 27 for ages 13-17
The Drawing Center's 2014-2015 exhibitions and public programs are made possible, in part, with the generous support of Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, and the Cowles Charitable Trust. Additional support is provided by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.