A Broadway Green Alliance E-Waste event, hosted by Kerry Butler and Valerie Smaldone, will be held on Wednesday, December 16, in Duffy Square at noon. The Broadway Green Alliance, with the support of WeRecycle!, encourages the New York City theatre community to come deposit their Electronic Waste (broken cell phones, computers, printers, and dry batteries) in the center of Times Square for safe disposal and recycling.
Also participating in the environmentally-conscious event will be cast members from Finian's Rainbow, Guys & Dolls, Mamma Mia! 9 to 5, Phantom of the Opera, Ragtime, South Pacific, The Little Mermaid and Wicked. The actors will perform two songs, including an original by composer John Mercurio.
The Broadway Green Alliance (formerly known as Broadway Goes Green) is an ad hoc committee of The Broadway League. Launched in 2008 with the support of Mayor Bloomberg's office and guidance by NRDC, a national environmental organization, the BGA brings together all segments of the theatre industry - including producers, theatres in New York and around the country, theatrical unions, and related businesses, to improve its environmental impact.
BGA participants have already adopted better practices to enhance Broadway's role as a leader in environmental sustainability. Accomplishments include changing the vast majority of marquee lights to energy saving bulbs, incorporating greener practices backstage in running productions, offsetting through Native Energy thousands of tons of carbon emissions from touring shows, recycling or reusing materials from closing productions and educating the community about better environmental practices.
For more information, please visit www.broadwaygreen.com.