David Nehls and Betsy Kelso, the creators of the Great American Trailer Park Musical, will discuss the show on November 28th at 6:30 PM at the Frederick Loewe Room, Suite 701 (1501 Broadway). The evening will be moderated by 106.7 Lite FM's Valerie Smaldone.
The evening, entitled Talkin' Trash with the Creators of The Great American Trailer Park Musical, will also feature special guest Amy Coleman, as well as a performance by Nehls and cast members of the raucous musical comedy. The event is presented by Two Sides of a Coin Productions.The Great American Trailer Park Musical, with music and lyrics by
Nehls and book and direction by Kelso, is now playing at Dodger
Stages (340 West 50th Street). The score of the show, which stars Shuler Hensley, Orfeh, Leslie Kritzer, Kaitlin Hopkins, Linda Hart, Wayne Wilcox and Marya Grandy, will be preserved on a cast recording in early 2006 (it will be on Sh-K-Boom Records). In the musical, "an
agoraphobic housewife must tear herself away from Dr. Phil long enough
to leave her trailer and save her marriage. Why the sudden fuss after
being safely tucked away for nearly 20 years? Armadillo Acres' newest
tenant--a hot, young stripper with an questionable agenda. With
guidance from a trailer-trash style Greek Chorus (three local women
with phobias, neurosis and hang-ups of their own), the story unfolds."
The Great American Trailer Park Musical plays
Monday and Tuesday at 8pm, Thursday-Saturday at 8pm, Saturday at 2pm,
and Sunday at 3pm and 7pm. Tickets can be purchased at the box office
or via Telecharge at 212-239-6200. For more information, visit www.trailerparkmusical.com.
Admission to Talkin' Trash is $20; visit www.twosidesofacoin.com/events.htm or call 212.704.4012 for tickets. Credit cards are accepted, and the show will offer complimentary cheese doodles.