This fall, cries ofrevolt rock the Roman Capitol - and The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey- in Shakespeare's brilliant political thriller, Julius Caesar. Loyalty, honor and betrayal collide in this searing tale of revolution, in which omensof doom and deadly conspiracies erupt into civil war, and leaders rise and falllike the tides.
After last season's much-lauded performance in the title role of Macbeth, Robert Cuccioli returns to The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey to play Marcus Brutus. William Metzo will portray the Roman general, Julius Caesar. Also featured are Gregory Derelian as Mark Antony and Richard Topol as Caius Cassius.This production marks the first time that Julius Caesar will be seen on a professional New Jersey stage since 1995. Performances are Tuesdays through Sundays, October 11 through November 13, on the company's Main Stage in Madison. (There are no public performances onOctober 14 and November 1, 2, 8 and 9.) Tickets are $27 to $31 for preview performances and $35 to $49 for regular performances, with discounts available for groups of 10 or more. Tickets to Opening Night on Saturday, October 15 are $61 to $65. For tickets, call 973-408-5600 or visit Caesar is supported in part by an Access to Artistic Excellence award from theNational Endowment for the Arts,which believes "a great nation deserves great art." The production was selected from among 1,088 eligible applications as one of 98 leading theatrical organizations nationwide to receive this prestigious federal funding. The Shakespeare Theatre is the only New Jersey theatre company to receive an NEAAccessto Artistic Excellence grant.Videos