Juilliard 'Class of 2014' presents its Senior Dance Production, featuring world premieres by Alexander Anderson, Taylor Drury, Bynh Ho, Eve Jacobs, Robert Moore, Nicholas Ranauro, and Kyle Scheurich.
Senior Dance Production is an annual showcase featuring skills practiced and accumulated by graduating dancers from The Juilliard School as they prepare to step into the professional world. They are responsible for planning, fundraising, and marketing the production while the junior class provides the lighting design and other technical elements. The seven senior class members (listed above) will present new pieces of choreography created on dancers from the 3rd and 4th year classes. With choreographic perspectives ranging from Dance Theater to strong physicality, the evening is sure to offer fresh variety. This is an exciting opportunity to witness the work of the world's rising stars from the school that produced such choreographic luminaries as Pina Bausch, Robert Battle, and Ohad Naharin.
Performances take place in Juilliard's Rosemary and Meredith Willson Theater, 155 West 65th Street, 3rd Floor. Dates: Tonight, April 25th 8pm; Saturday, April 26th 2pm and 8pm; and Sunday, April 27th 2pm and 8pm. All performances are free! A limited amount of tickets will become available to the public at 12am on Friday April 11th via events.juilliard.edu. There will be no public standby line.
For more information, visit www.juilliarddance2014.weebly.com.