The new off-Broadway production of Soul Doctor, created by Daniel S. Wise, David Schechter, and Shlomo Carlebach and directed and choreographed by Mindy Cooper, begins performances tonight, November 26, 2014. This new presentation of Soul Doctor will be performed in one act at the Actors Temple Theatre, 339 West 47th Street. With the venue's intimacy and spiritual setting, the show's story and vibrant music will captivate theatergoers. The opening is slated for Sunday, December 14.
Soul Doctor takes the audience on an exhilarating musical journey and explores the dramatic life of a cultural icon set in the transformative era of the Love generation. It tells the fascinating story of the father of popular Jewish music, Shlomo Carlebach, and his unlikely friendship with Nina Simone, the high priestess of Soul. A modern-day troubadour, Shlomo ignited the spirit of millions around the world with his soul-stirring melodies, transformative storytelling and boundless love.
Jewish pop sensation Josh Nelson will be playing the role of "Shlomo Carlebach." A classically trained musician, who is equally versed in rock, jazz, and world music, Nelson is widely recognized as an extraordinary guitarist, pianist, and vocalist. Nelson is also the music director for the Union for Reform Judaism's Biennial Convention, a musical artist in residence for the JCC Maccabi Artfest, and leads high-holiday services at New York's 92nd St. Y.
The cast for Soul Doctor also includes Dan'yelle Williamson as "Nina Simone," Dianna Barger, Dylan Boyd, Debra Cardona, Jacob Heimer, Anthony Laciura, Don Meehan, and Hayden Wall. Lee Hollis Bussie, Rosalie Graziano, Janelle McDermoth, Erin Mosher, John Plumpis, and Jesse Swimm complete the cast.
Soul Doctor has a book by Daniel S. Wise, lyrics by David Schechter, music and additional lyrics by Shlomo Carlebach, and is directed/choreographed by Mindy Cooper. Scenic design is by David Goldstein, costume design is by Tristan Raines, lighting design is by Zach Blane, sound design is by Raymond Schilke, projection design is by Brad Peterson, and orchestrations and additional arrangements are by Steve Margoshes. Seth Faber is the music director, Jim Morgan is the Associate Music Director, Jessimeg Productions is the General Management, and B.J. Forman is the Production Stage Manager. The show is produced by Jeremy Chess.
For more information, visit