On Thursday, May 13, John Lindberg will perform two shows at The Stone. The first performance, starting at 8 pm, will feature a solo bass performance by Lindberg. Then, at 10 pm, Don Davis and Kevin Norton accompany him to create 'John Linberg's Tripolar'.
In brash continuance of over thirty years of presenting solo bass performances, Lindberg will be playing a set of works, both old and new. His solo albums include Comin’ and Goin' (1979) and Luminosity: Homage to David Izenzon (1996).
TriPolar is Lindberg’s current “working band” and features new works by the leader as well as extraordinary contributions by the composer/performers Don Davis (reeds) and Kevin Norton (percussion). Their recently completed album, (a)live at Roulette NYC is scheduled for a Fall release. Lindberg has released over fifty albums as leader/co-leader. www.johnlindberg.com