Loft 227 and the Jewish Book Council hosst "Literary Mischief with Slash Coleman," tonight, September 23, 2013 from 6:00pm - 8:00 pm.
The event will feature 4 Jewish authors reading and/or performing new work, including: Diana Spechler (six-time Moth StorySLAM winner/ author of "Skinny"), Mara Altman (Village voice staff writer/ author of "I'm Coming"), Joanna Hershon (Columbia University Writing Professor/ author of "Dual Inheritance) and Slash Coleman (PBS producer/ author of "The Bohemian Love Diaries"). Each author will also participate in one of Coleman's signature offbeat interviews and an audience Q&A. Signed copies of each featured book will be available for sale and audience members will have the opportunity to win free books.
"We put together this monthly event to promote authors, help build a creative community, and help writers cross pollinate literary genres," Robin Sokoloff owner of Loft 227 says. "But the event is really set up so readers will get to know a very different side of their favorite writers.There's plenty of time for the audience members to meet and talk to the authors."Videos