Presented by the Westport Country Playhouse with Boyett Ostar Productions, (currently represented on Broadway by numerous hit productions including "Spamalot", "Bridge & Tunnel, "Well" and "The History Boys") the one man show is the remarkable, triumphant and exciting story of Thurgood Marshall, who rose from a childhood in the backstreets of Baltimore to the Supreme Court of the United States. Along the way, Mr. Marshall overcame many adversities but through them all, remained focused and positive to maintain the great country he wanted to serve. And did. THURGOOD brings to the stage the words, wit, tenacity and wisdom of one of America's greatest heroes.
Tony Award winner James Earl Jones had had a remarkable career on stage, on film and on television. He is also an Emmy Award winner, a Golden Globe winner, and Academy Award nominee and the recipient of the prestigious Kennedy Center Honor. He recently starred on Broadway and at the Kennedy Center in the revival of "On Golden Pond, where he once again garnered rave reviews.
George Stevens, Jr. is an 11 time Emmy Award inner and two time Peabody Award winner. Director Leonard Foglia is reunited with Jones as he directed last season's "On Golden Pond".
The acclaimed 75 year old Westport Country Playhouse has recently undergone a major renovation and is presenting their first year-round full season.
Tickets are priced at $ 45-65 For performance schedule, information and tickets call 203 227 4177.